Internationale Publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Major M, Van Egmond M, Dettling D, Ramaekers S, Engelbert R, Van der Schaaf M. Course of recovery of respiratory muscle strength and its associations with exercise capacity and hangrip strength: a prospective cohort study among survivors of critical illness.
Kwakman RCH, Voorn EL, Horn J, Nollet F, Engelbert RHH, Sommers J, Van der Schaaf M. Steps to recovery: Body-weight supported treadmill training for critically ill patients: A randomized controlled trial.
Soares MN, Eggelbusch M, Naddaf E, Gerrits KHL, van der Schaaf M, van den Borst B, Wiersinga WJ, van Vugt M, Weijs PJM, Murray AJ, Wüst RCI. Skeletal muscle alterations in patients with acute Covid-19 and post-acute sequelae of Covid-19. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2022 Jan 7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34997689. http://10.1002/jcsm.12896
Major, M. E., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2021). Feasibility of a home-based interdisciplinary rehabilitation program for patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: the REACH study. Critical Care, 25(1), [279].
Van Tol B, Dettling D, Kruizenga H, Pellegrom S, Major M, Van der Schaaf M. (2021). Komp Nutr Diet 2021;1:27–30
Major, M. E., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2020). Preparing undergraduate students for clinical work in a complex environment: Evaluation of an e-learning module on physiotherapy in the intensive care unit. BMC medical education, 20(1), [130].
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Schaaf, M., Busschers, W. B., de Keizer, N. F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2019). ICU Survivors Have a Substantial Higher Risk of Developing New Chronic Conditions Compared to a Population-Based Control Group. Critical care medicine, 47(3), 324-330.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Schaaf, M., Dongelmans, D. A., Busschers, W. B., & de Keizer, N. F. (2020). The influence of clinical variables on the risk of developing chronic conditions in ICU survivors. Journal of critical care, 55, 134-139.
Major, M. E., van Nes, F., Ramaekers, S., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2019). Survivors of Critical Illness and Their Relatives. A Qualitative Study on Hospital Discharge Experience. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 16(11), 1405-1413.
Kwakman, R. C. H., Major, M. E., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., Nollet, F., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2020). Physiotherapy treatment approaches for survivors of critical illness: a proposal from a Delphi study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 36(12), 1421-1431,.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., van der Schaaf, M., Termorshuizen, F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2019). Dutch ICU survivors have more consultations with general practitioners before and after ICU admission compared to a matched control group from the general population. PLoS ONE, 14(5), [e0217225].
Sommers, J., Klooster, E., Zoethout, S. B., van den Oever, H. L. A., Nollet, F., Tepaske, R., Horn, J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2019). Feasibility of Exercise Testing in Patients Who Are Critically Ill: A Prospective, Observational Multicenter Study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 100(2), 239-246.
Sommers, J., van den Boorn, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Nollet, F., van der Schaaf, M., & Horn, J. (2018). Feasibility of Muscle Activity Assessment With Surface Electromyography During Bed Cycling Exercise In Intensive Care Unit Patients. Muscle & nerve, 58(5), 688-693.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., Dongelmans, D. A., & van der Schaaf, M. (2018). Lessons learnt during the implementation of a web-based triage tool for Dutch intensive care follow-up clinics. BMJ open, 8(9), e021249.
Major-Helsloot, M., van der Schaaf, M., Moed, B., & Engelbert, R. (2017). Physiotherapy in the ICU e-learning programme: Development and evaluation of a module as part of an undergraduate international honours degree programme. ICU MANAGEMENT, 17(4), 226-228.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., van der Schaaf, M., Busschers, W. B., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2017). Healthcare costs of ICU survivors are higher before and after ICU admission compared to a population based control group: A descriptive study combining healthcare insurance data and data from a Dutch national quality registry. Journal of critical care, 44, 345-351.
Sommers, J., Wieferink, D. C., Dongelmans, D. A., Nollet, F., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2017). Body weight-supported bedside treadmill training facilitates ambulation in ICU patients: An interventional proof of concept study. Journal of critical care, 41, 150-155.
Witteveen, E., Wieske, L., van der Poll, T., van der Schaaf, M., van Schaik, I. N., Schultz, M. J., Verhamme, C., Horn, J., & AUTHOR GROUP (2017). Increased Early Systemic Inflammation in ICU-Acquired Weakness; A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Critical care medicine, 45(6), 972-979.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., Wieske, L., Horn, J., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2017). Functional Recovery in Patients With and Without Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists, 96(4), 236-242.
Major, M. E., Kwakman, R., Kho, M. E., Connolly, B., McWilliams, D., Denehy, L., Hanekom, S., Patman, S., Gosselink, R., Jones, C., Nollet, F., Needham, D. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Surviving critical illness: what is next? An expert consensus statement on physical rehabilitation after hospital discharge. Critical care (London, England), 20(1), 354.
Sommers, J., Vredeveld, T., Lindeboom, R., Nollet, F., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). de Morton Mobility Index Is Feasible, Reliable, and Valid in Patients With Critical Illness. Physical therapy, 96(10), 1658-1666.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., de Graaff, A. E., Beelen, A., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Coping style and quality of life in Dutch intensive care unit survivors. Rehabilitation psychology, 61(2), 165-172.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., Dongelmans, D. A., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Reported burden on informal caregivers of ICU survivors: a literature review. Critical care (London, England), 20(1), 16.
Wieske, L., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., Verhamme, C., Nollet, F., van Schaik, I. N., Schultz, M. J., Horn, J., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Impact of ICU-acquired weakness on post-ICU physical functioning: a follow-up study. Critical care (London, England), 19(1), 196.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., de Graaff, A. E., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Feasibility of Post-Intensive Care Unit Clinics: an observational cohort study of two different approaches.
Minerva anestesiologica, 81(8), 865-875.
Wieske, L., Witteveen, E., Verhamme, C., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., van der Schaaf, M., Schultz, M. J., van Schaik, I. N., & Horn, J. (2014). Early prediction of intensive care unit-acquired weakness using easily available parameters: a prospective observational study. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111259.
van der Schaaf, M., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Steen, M., Dongelmans, D. A., & de Keizer, N. F. (2015). Recommendations for intensive care follow-up clinics; report from a survey and conference of Dutch intensive cares.
Minerva anestesiologica, 81(2), 135-144.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Nollet, F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2012). Postintensive care syndrome, need for recognition, treatment, research, and expansion of included symptoms. Critical care medicine, 40(9), 2742-2743.
Dettling, D. S., van der Schaaf, M., Blom, R. L. G. M., Nollet, F., Busch, O. R. C., & van Berge Henegouwen, M. I. (2013). Feasibility and effectiveness of pre-operative inspiratory muscle training in patients undergoing oesophagectomy: a pilot study. Physiotherapy research international, 18(1), 16-26.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., & de Groot, I. J. (2000). Critical illness polyneuropathy: a summary of the literature on rehabilitation outcome.
Disability and rehabilitation, 22(17), 808-810.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Poor functional recovery after a critical illness: a longitudinal study. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(13), 1041-1048.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Functional status after intensive care response.
Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(9), 780-781.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Functional status after intensive care: a challenge for rehabilitation professionals to improve outcome. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(5), 360-366.
van der Schaaf, M., Dettling, D. S., Beelen, A., Lucas, C., Dongelmans, D. A., & Nollet, F. (2008). Poor functional status immediately after discharge from an intensive care unit. Disability and rehabilitation, 30(23), 1812-1818.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., & de Vos, R. (2004). Functional outcome in patients with critical illness polyneuropathy. Disability and rehabilitation, 26(20), 1189-1197.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Schaaf, M., Busschers, W. B., de Keizer, N. F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2019). ICU Survivors Have a Substantial Higher Risk of Developing New Chronic Conditions Compared to a Population-Based Control Group. Critical care medicine, 47(3), 324-330.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Schaaf, M., Dongelmans, D. A., Busschers, W. B., & de Keizer, N. F. (2020). The influence of clinical variables on the risk of developing chronic conditions in ICU survivors. Journal of critical care, 55, 134-139.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., van der Schaaf, M., Termorshuizen, F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2019). Dutch ICU survivors have more consultations with general practitioners before and after ICU admission compared to a matched control group from the general population. PLoS ONE, 14(5), [e0217225].
Sommers, J., Klooster, E., Zoethout, S. B., van den Oever, H. L. A., Nollet, F., Tepaske, R., Horn, J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2019). Feasibility of Exercise Testing in Patients Who Are Critically Ill: A Prospective, Observational Multicenter Study. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 100(2), 239-246.
Sommers, J., van den Boorn, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., Nollet, F., van der Schaaf, M., & Horn, J. (2018). Feasibility of Muscle Activity Assessment With Surface Electromyography During Bed Cycling Exercise In Intensive Care Unit Patients. Muscle & nerve, 58(5), 688-693.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., Dongelmans, D. A., & van der Schaaf, M. (2018). Lessons learnt during the implementation of a web-based triage tool for Dutch intensive care follow-up clinics. BMJ open, 8(9), e021249.
Major-Helsloot, M., van der Schaaf, M., Moed, B., & Engelbert, R. (2017). Physiotherapy in the ICU e-learning programme: Development and evaluation of a module as part of an undergraduate international honours degree programme. ICU MANAGEMENT, 17(4), 226-228.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., van der Schaaf, M., Busschers, W. B., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2017). Healthcare costs of ICU survivors are higher before and after ICU admission compared to a population based control group: A descriptive study combining healthcare insurance data and data from a Dutch national quality registry. Journal of critical care, 44, 345-351.
Sommers, J., Wieferink, D. C., Dongelmans, D. A., Nollet, F., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2017). Body weight-supported bedside treadmill training facilitates ambulation in ICU patients: An interventional proof of concept study. Journal of critical care, 41, 150-155.
Witteveen, E., Wieske, L., van der Poll, T., van der Schaaf, M., van Schaik, I. N., Schultz, M. J., Verhamme, C., Horn, J., & AUTHOR GROUP (2017). Increased Early Systemic Inflammation in ICU-Acquired Weakness; A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Critical care medicine, 45(6), 972-979.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., Wieske, L., Horn, J., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2017). Functional Recovery in Patients With and Without Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists, 96(4), 236-242.
Major, M. E., Kwakman, R., Kho, M. E., Connolly, B., McWilliams, D., Denehy, L., Hanekom, S., Patman, S., Gosselink, R., Jones, C., Nollet, F., Needham, D. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Surviving critical illness: what is next? An expert consensus statement on physical rehabilitation after hospital discharge. Critical care (London, England), 20(1), 354.
Sommers, J., Vredeveld, T., Lindeboom, R., Nollet, F., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). de Morton Mobility Index Is Feasible, Reliable, and Valid in Patients With Critical Illness. Physical therapy, 96(10), 1658-1666.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., de Graaff, A. E., Beelen, A., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Coping style and quality of life in Dutch intensive care unit survivors. Rehabilitation psychology, 61(2), 165-172.
van Beusekom, I., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., de Keizer, N. F., Dongelmans, D. A., & van der Schaaf, M. (2016). Reported burden on informal caregivers of ICU survivors: a literature review. Critical care (London, England), 20(1), 16.
Wieske, L., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., Verhamme, C., Nollet, F., van Schaik, I. N., Schultz, M. J., Horn, J., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Impact of ICU-acquired weakness on post-ICU physical functioning: a follow-up study. Critical care (London, England), 19(1), 196.
Sommers, J., Engelbert, R. H. H., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D., Gosselink, R., Spronk, P. E., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Physiotherapy in the intensive care unit: an evidence-based, expert driven, practical statement and rehabilitation recommendations. Clinical rehabilitation, 29(11), 1051-1063.
Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., de Graaff, A. E., Nollet, F., & van der Schaaf, M. (2015). Feasibility of Post-Intensive Care Unit Clinics: an observational cohort study of two different approaches.
Minerva anestesiologica, 81(8), 865-875.
Wieske, L., Witteveen, E., Verhamme, C., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D. S., van der Schaaf, M., Schultz, M. J., van Schaik, I. N., & Horn, J. (2014). Early prediction of intensive care unit-acquired weakness using easily available parameters: a prospective observational study. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111259.
van der Schaaf, M., Bakhshi-Raiez, F., van der Steen, M., Dongelmans, D. A., & de Keizer, N. F. (2015). Recommendations for intensive care follow-up clinics; report from a survey and conference of Dutch intensive cares.
Minerva anestesiologica, 81(2), 135-144.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Nollet, F., & Dongelmans, D. A. (2012). Postintensive care syndrome, need for recognition, treatment, research, and expansion of included symptoms. Critical care medicine, 40(9), 2742-2743.
Dettling, D. S., van der Schaaf, M., Blom, R. L. G. M., Nollet, F., Busch, O. R. C., & van Berge Henegouwen, M. I. (2013). Feasibility and effectiveness of pre-operative inspiratory muscle training in patients undergoing oesophagectomy: a pilot study. Physiotherapy research international, 18(1), 16-26.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., & de Groot, I. J. (2000). Critical illness polyneuropathy: a summary of the literature on rehabilitation outcome.
Disability and rehabilitation, 22(17), 808-810.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Poor functional recovery after a critical illness: a longitudinal study. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(13), 1041-1048.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Functional status after intensive care response.
Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(9), 780-781.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., Dongelmans, D. A., Vroom, M. B., & Nollet, F. (2009). Functional status after intensive care: a challenge for rehabilitation professionals to improve outcome. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 41(5), 360-366.
van der Schaaf, M., Dettling, D. S., Beelen, A., Lucas, C., Dongelmans, D. A., & Nollet, F. (2008). Poor functional status immediately after discharge from an intensive care unit. Disability and rehabilitation, 30(23), 1812-1818.
van der Schaaf, M., Beelen, A., & de Vos, R. (2004). Functional outcome in patients with critical illness polyneuropathy. Disability and rehabilitation, 26(20), 1189-1197.
Spruit, M. A., Holland, A. E., Singh, S. J., Troosters, T., Balbi, B., Berny, S., Brooks, D., Burtin, C., Clini, E., Franssen, F. M. E., Glöckl, R., Goldstein, R., van ’t Hul, A., Janssen, D., Kho, M., Langer, D., Maddocks, M., Marques, A., Paneroni, M., … Vitaca, M. (2020, Apr 3). Report of an ad-hoc international task force to develop an expert-based opinion on early and short-term rehabilitative interventions (after the acute hospital setting) in covid-19 survivors.
Felten-Barentsz, K. M., van Oorsouw, R., Klooster, E., Koenders, N., Driehuis, F., Hulzebos, E. H. J., van der Schaaf, M., Hoogeboom, T. J., & van der Wees, P. J. (2020). Recommendations for Hospital-Based Physical Therapists Managing Patients With COVID-19. Physical therapy, 100(9), 1444-1457.